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I set up Not Another Bunch Of Flowers in 2013, following my cancer diagnosis. There was nowhere to find gifts or care packages for people going through serious illnesses - so I set about changing that! We started with cancer care packages, get well gifts and hospital hampers, but quickly grew to offer thoughtful gifts for all occasions. The business has grown from 3 of us sending out gifts from my kitchen table in 2013, to a large warehouse and office in a converted barn on a beautiful farm in Sussex. I work with a number of charities and am really proud to be able to use the business to give back to a number of charities close to my heart.
Treat her to a bespoke luxury care package to encourage...
Create a bespoke food and drink hamper full of delicious...
The Warming Care Package Gift Box For Her is a...
The wellbeing care package for her is a wellbeing hamper...
A gift set packed with all of your cosy book...
The perfect Mother's Day gift for a bookworm, or to...
A gorgeous gift box to say 'I'm Thinking Of You',...
A gift package filled with some of our most luxurious...
A beautiful collection of some of Cowshed's popular essentials, the Signature...
You don't get Dinosaur toys much sweeter than our pastel...
Create a truly unique burr basket gift with our build-your-own...
Create a truly unique Valentine's Day gift for her. Select...
Shop Now For Mother`s Day Delivery 💐
Send a one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day gift and we’ll make sure it arrives in time for the big day.
Mother’s Day - Sunday 30th March
Shop Now For Mother`s Day Delivery 💐
Send a one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day gift and we’ll make sure it arrives in time for the big day.
Mother’s Day - Sunday 30th March
Make Mother’s Day extra special - Sunday 30th March 💝
We’ve just launched 4 brand-new gift box designs to choose from! Create a truly unique Mother’s Day gift by picking a box, filling it with handpicked goodies, and letting us do the rest.
Want to add a personal touch? We’ll include a handwritten message and make sure it arrives just in time for the special day! #mothersday #mumgift #mumgiftideas #bespokegiftboxes #mumtobe
Make Mother’s Day extra special - Sunday 30th March 💝
We’ve just launched 4 brand-new gift box designs to choose from! Create a truly unique Mother’s Day gift by picking a box, filling it with handpicked goodies, and letting us do the rest.
Want to add a personal touch? We’ll include a handwritten message and make sure it arrives just in time for the special day! #mothersday #mumgift #mumgiftideas #bespokegiftboxes #mumtobe
We understand that every individual`s cancer journey is unique, and one of our goals is to provide tailored care packages for those starting or going through treatment. 💕
Pick individual gifts or multiple goodies and they will be lovingly packaged together and sent with a handwritten message of your choice. All items in our Cancer care packages are handpicked through our own experience.
#cancercarepackage #breastcancerawareness #cancercare
We understand that every individual`s cancer journey is unique, and one of our goals is to provide tailored care packages for those starting or going through treatment. 💕
Pick individual gifts or multiple goodies and they will be lovingly packaged together and sent with a handwritten message of your choice. All items in our Cancer care packages are handpicked through our own experience.
#cancercarepackage #breastcancerawareness #cancercare
Your daily dose of cosiness, now with a personalised touch 💕
#huginamug #personalisedgift #personalisedgiftuk
Your daily dose of cosiness, now with a personalised touch 💕
#huginamug #personalisedgift #personalisedgiftuk
Something very special is on the way… NEW ready-made gift boxes are in the works!
Packed with handpicked goodies, they’re the perfect treat for yourself or someone special.
#giftsuk #readytogogifts #giftboxes
Something very special is on the way… NEW ready-made gift boxes are in the works!
Packed with handpicked goodies, they’re the perfect treat for yourself or someone special.
#giftsuk #readytogogifts #giftboxes
Looking for a sympathetic get well soon card? 🤣 All cards can be sent straight to you or directly to the recipient with a handwritten message. ❤️
Looking for a sympathetic get well soon card? 🤣 All cards can be sent straight to you or directly to the recipient with a handwritten message. ❤️
FREE CUPCAKES 🧁 worth £7.50 with every birthday or celebration gift box over £35 🎉. Simply add your chosen cupcakes to your order and add the code FREECUPCAKES at checkout. 😋 (While stock lasts. Get in quick!).
FREE CUPCAKES 🧁 worth £7.50 with every birthday or celebration gift box over £35 🎉. Simply add your chosen cupcakes to your order and add the code FREECUPCAKES at checkout. 😋 (While stock lasts. Get in quick!).
We’ve got brand-new goodies from @rosiemadeathing and they are just as witty, quirky, and fun as ever! 🤣
#rosiemadeathing #fungifts #giftsuk #uniquegifts
We’ve got brand-new goodies from @rosiemadeathing and they are just as witty, quirky, and fun as ever! 🤣
#rosiemadeathing #fungifts #giftsuk #uniquegifts
Nothing makes us happier than hearing how much you love our products! 💛
Whether you`re building your own custom gift box, choosing a ready-made set, or picking out individual goodies, we`ve got something for everyone.
#feefo #5starreview #customerservice #giftboxservice
Nothing makes us happier than hearing how much you love our products! 💛
Whether you`re building your own custom gift box, choosing a ready-made set, or picking out individual goodies, we`ve got something for everyone.
#feefo #5starreview #customerservice #giftboxservice
Fresh new products just landed! 🎉
From delicious treats to must-have goodies, our latest arrivals are ready to be added to your Build your own gift box.
Fresh new products just landed! 🎉
From delicious treats to must-have goodies, our latest arrivals are ready to be added to your Build your own gift box.
Galentine’s Day is all about celebrating the amazing women who lift us up, laugh with us, and love us unconditionally!
Tag your besties and let them know how much they mean to you. 💖
Galentine’s Day is all about celebrating the amazing women who lift us up, laugh with us, and love us unconditionally!
Tag your besties and let them know how much they mean to you. 💖
Show your love with a beautiful gift box filled with luxurious treats! ❤️
Perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or just because. The sweetest way to say, "I love you."
Show your love with a beautiful gift box filled with luxurious treats! ❤️
Perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or just because. The sweetest way to say, "I love you."